So, we’re just getting ready to take off for Atlantic City by watching a generic Steven Segal movie...if you ever want to watch a brainless action movie and get laughs because of its cheeziness factor...just find a Steven Segal movie and you’ll be fine...
Yesterday was more of a recovery day than anything else because of how late we stayed up until the night before....we really didn’t get much accomplished until about 4 o’clock when we finally made it to Central was the last thing on the list of things to do in New York, but unfortunately, we didn’t have a lot of time to go around....we were there for an hour and a half and we estimated that we only really explored 20 percent of the is sooooo beautiful and just so big....
We headed back towards Flushing to see the Mets game, but because of delays on the track, we didn’t make it until the top of the 2nd inning...but what a beautiful stadium....people are greeted to a beautiful veranda when they enter the stadium and the design is just so modern...
Out of the three stadiums I’ve seen so far, it was the best looking stadium and the best baseball experience....on the negative side, it was the stadium with the most hassle from security...a bag-check and a pat-down later, I was in the stadium...
The fans of the Mets are much more boisterous than the fans for the’s almost like the scenario that we always talk about with the Ottawa Senators and their fans...everyone in Ottawa is in agreement that the fans in the 300 levels will be the ones that make 75% of the noise, while the fans in the 100 levels are there more as a status check and will not make nearly as much noise....The Mets fans are the true fans that go and pay good money to go see baseball....meanwhile, the people watching a Yankees game would more likely be guests of business as businesses try to impress potential and existing clients....
After the game, it was basically just heading back to the hotel room to chill and watch some sports....that’s the great thing about this city and this country in general....sports in so much in the forefront that there are sooo many sports channels Boston, we had ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN Classic and New York, there’s even more with ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN Classic, ESPNNews, the Yes Network, SNY (Sports New York)....sports is just such a part of the culture here....
We’re on our way to Atlantic City now....only a 2 hour drive to the Boardwalk, so we’ll make it a night there....apparently Friday and Saturday are big nights, so we’re picking a good night to go....then it’s off to Philly on Sunday for a couple of days...
BTW: Since he’s sitting beside me right now, Tony didn’t make it to the ‘No Pants Party”....he just took off his pants in the hotel room instead....

Yesterday was more of a recovery day than anything else because of how late we stayed up until the night before....we really didn’t get much accomplished until about 4 o’clock when we finally made it to Central was the last thing on the list of things to do in New York, but unfortunately, we didn’t have a lot of time to go around....we were there for an hour and a half and we estimated that we only really explored 20 percent of the is sooooo beautiful and just so big....
We headed back towards Flushing to see the Mets game, but because of delays on the track, we didn’t make it until the top of the 2nd inning...but what a beautiful stadium....people are greeted to a beautiful veranda when they enter the stadium and the design is just so modern...
Out of the three stadiums I’ve seen so far, it was the best looking stadium and the best baseball experience....on the negative side, it was the stadium with the most hassle from security...a bag-check and a pat-down later, I was in the stadium...
The fans of the Mets are much more boisterous than the fans for the’s almost like the scenario that we always talk about with the Ottawa Senators and their fans...everyone in Ottawa is in agreement that the fans in the 300 levels will be the ones that make 75% of the noise, while the fans in the 100 levels are there more as a status check and will not make nearly as much noise....The Mets fans are the true fans that go and pay good money to go see baseball....meanwhile, the people watching a Yankees game would more likely be guests of business as businesses try to impress potential and existing clients....
After the game, it was basically just heading back to the hotel room to chill and watch some sports....that’s the great thing about this city and this country in general....sports in so much in the forefront that there are sooo many sports channels Boston, we had ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN Classic and New York, there’s even more with ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN Classic, ESPNNews, the Yes Network, SNY (Sports New York)....sports is just such a part of the culture here....
We’re on our way to Atlantic City now....only a 2 hour drive to the Boardwalk, so we’ll make it a night there....apparently Friday and Saturday are big nights, so we’re picking a good night to go....then it’s off to Philly on Sunday for a couple of days...
BTW: Since he’s sitting beside me right now, Tony didn’t make it to the ‘No Pants Party”....he just took off his pants in the hotel room instead....