My great friend Sarah would love that title....I FINALLY MADE IT TO SAN DIEGO!
Just a full day of flying and delays galore.....The total travel time between Front-Door Seattle to Front-Door San Diego was just under 13 hours....It was only supposed to be 9, but we were delayed severely in Denver, first because of bad winds and then because of a thunderstorm over the airport in Denver...
I managed to watch the Cavs/Magic game on the flight and it was timed perfectly so that I started watching the game halfway through the second quarter and then saw the amazing game winner by Lebron literally seconds just before we touched down in San Diego.....what a game! Well worth the money to pay for the TV privileges...
Once I got to San Diego, the travel hit me all at once and all I really wanted to do was grab a bite to eat and then just crash, even if it was a Friday should have seen some of the dirty text messages I got from people just for the mere suggestion of not going out last I finally made it to the hotel, dropped my stuff off and found a Japanese restaurant...
I was sitting quietly having my teriyaki and minding my own business when a group of three guys and a girl asked me if I wanted to have some sake with them.....I was so tired that I declined it and telling them about my travel for the day, but they asked again, so I couldn't say no twice.....
From there, Greg, John, Toby and Vanessa insisted on showing me around San Diego.....just awesome! They showed me around the Gaslamp area and we ended up at a couple bars throughout the night....We just ended up talking all night and learning about each others backgrounds and one point, we all had a great laugh 'cause I had never had a fish taco blew their minds that the idea of fish taco was foreign to me....I told them that the first time I had heard about it from the Farj on Friday's show, it sounded like something sexual....
Everyone knows me as a laidback person and my style just meshes so well here since everyone is just so laidback....I've found that when you're travelling on your own, people are drawn to you for whatever reason, so there are times when you're alone, but as long as you're open to people and adventure, you won't be alone as much as you think....
Gonna do some full sightseeing around San Diego today, then I'm off to see the Padres and the Cubs at Petco Park....the first of 15 games in 26 days....I'm starting to slowly see the finish line on just an incredible trip...

Just a full day of flying and delays galore.....The total travel time between Front-Door Seattle to Front-Door San Diego was just under 13 hours....It was only supposed to be 9, but we were delayed severely in Denver, first because of bad winds and then because of a thunderstorm over the airport in Denver...
I managed to watch the Cavs/Magic game on the flight and it was timed perfectly so that I started watching the game halfway through the second quarter and then saw the amazing game winner by Lebron literally seconds just before we touched down in San Diego.....what a game! Well worth the money to pay for the TV privileges...
Once I got to San Diego, the travel hit me all at once and all I really wanted to do was grab a bite to eat and then just crash, even if it was a Friday should have seen some of the dirty text messages I got from people just for the mere suggestion of not going out last I finally made it to the hotel, dropped my stuff off and found a Japanese restaurant...
I was sitting quietly having my teriyaki and minding my own business when a group of three guys and a girl asked me if I wanted to have some sake with them.....I was so tired that I declined it and telling them about my travel for the day, but they asked again, so I couldn't say no twice.....
From there, Greg, John, Toby and Vanessa insisted on showing me around San Diego.....just awesome! They showed me around the Gaslamp area and we ended up at a couple bars throughout the night....We just ended up talking all night and learning about each others backgrounds and one point, we all had a great laugh 'cause I had never had a fish taco blew their minds that the idea of fish taco was foreign to me....I told them that the first time I had heard about it from the Farj on Friday's show, it sounded like something sexual....
Everyone knows me as a laidback person and my style just meshes so well here since everyone is just so laidback....I've found that when you're travelling on your own, people are drawn to you for whatever reason, so there are times when you're alone, but as long as you're open to people and adventure, you won't be alone as much as you think....
Gonna do some full sightseeing around San Diego today, then I'm off to see the Padres and the Cubs at Petco Park....the first of 15 games in 26 days....I'm starting to slowly see the finish line on just an incredible trip...