The Kissing Bandit Game - Revised for Men

Alright, it's Friday night....Everyone at work today had an extra pep in their step and smiles were a plenty 'cause work is done for another week.....and for the rest of you, as long as you don't have to work earlier than 8 a.m., chances are you're still gonna treat it like a weekend and do something outside the house/apartment tonight...

Now you may be looking at the title and wondering what this game is.....let me assure you, it has nothing to do with Adriano Belli of CFL fame (can you put CFL and fame together?) and more to do with competition at the club (Keys to the VIP style....a pretty funny show on Comedy Network), lemme get to the back story for it first, then the entry will make a little more sense....

Went over after work to spend some time with my new girl....Her name is Rosalie and she is an absolute gem.....a beautiful blonde girl with a heart of gold who manages to put up with my antics on a daily basis and still have that wonderful smile... (just had to get that out there.....I promise not to do that again....that's the one and only time)

Anyways, we were just on the couch watching some afternoon TV when Dr. Phil came on at 5 o'clock.....normally that would be an instant pass with the clicker, but the topic was about women who take flirting to the next level.....she didn't want to watch, but for me, it was a topic that I could get into! :-)

So, a woman named Hilary comes on and talks about how her and her friends have come up with a flirting game called the Kissing Bandit Game where women would get points based on certain things that they would be able to do at the bar or the club with's a game where a clear cut winner is established, but at the end of the night, you would think all the girls would be able to win in one way or another....but here are some of the rules....

For example:

5 points - Kissing a guy on the cheek
10 points - Kissing a guy on the lips
25 points - Kissing a guy with a girl right beside him
50 points - Kissing a guy with his girlfriend beside him
100 points - Kissing a guy from a foreign country
100 points - Kissing a guy 65 years old or over on the lips
100 points - Kissing a celebrity

Disqualification if you bring the guy home with you and the first to 50 points wins the game

Inevitably, my first thought was how you can turn this game around and make a men's edition because let's face it, guys going to the bar or the club who aren't attached are playing a game of their, most people would just say that guys can just stick to these rules, but it's not as easy as Rosalie suggested....

In most cases, a woman can just go up to a guy and kiss them and there won't be much problem with's happened to me before and I just rolled with it....I just decided to worry about what she looked like later....just joking! However, a guy will have a lot of trouble on his hands if he just goes up to a girl and kisses them....probably a fight or jail or booted from the club/bar.....just the way the world's a double standard, but there are a ton of double standards that go the way of men, so I think we can let women have this one.... :-)

We also debated the point system 'cause there were things that I didn't like about it....the 5 and 10 point things.....that's fine.....but to give 50 points for kissing a guy with his girlfriend beside him and to give 100 for kissing a foreigner....that makes no sense to me....

I also don't agree with the idea of being disqualified for going home with a guy.....what's the point of playing this game if you don't want to bring someone home? And how important is it not to be disqualified? Is there a season-long points race with a championship trophy at the end of the year? If not, I'll take the DQ....

So, I gave myself a day to think of a way to come up with a version that the men of Ottawa could use for this weekend and weekends beyond, if they so, hopefully I've been able to come up with every situation that you might find yourself in when at a crowded bar/club, but I'm sure I've missed a couple....

Alright, here's the list.....some of the rules require input from others playing the game and other rules require complete honesty from the player.....but that shouldn't be a problem because if someone needs to lie to you in order to win a stupid game, but not get any action, then you're a loser anyways.....

5 points - Use a cheezy pick-up line or bad joke of another players choosing on 1, 2 or 3 girls and get in a conversation of 2 minutes or longer
(It probably won't lead to completing any tasks of higher point value, but it's an easy 5 points)

An extra 25 points if you can get one of the girls to leave the group when faced with a situation involving 2 or 3 girls
(If you are persuasive enough to get someone to leave their friend to fend for herself or with one other person for the've done one heck of a Jedi mindtrick...)

Add an extra 50 points if there's a guy present.....nothing like taking a guy's manhood away by taking away the one girl that is with him

Add an extra 50 points even more on top if the girl you persuade to leave the group has a boyfriend've just completely owned that guy!

10 points - Use a cheezy pick-up line or bad joke of another players choosing on a group of 4 or more girls and get in a conversation of 2 minutes or longer
(It's even more difficult to complete higher point value tasks, but it's an easy 10 points)

An extra 10 points if you can get one of the girls to leave the group
(Less points than the first example 'cause the group is less likely to miss someone if there are three others there to still talk to.....)

Add an additional extra 5 points if there is a guy present within the group.....but again, not as much points 'cause there are still a bunch of people within the group

Add an extra 50 points even more on top if the girl you persuade to leave the group has a boyfriend've just completely owned that guy!

10 points - Get on the dance floor and dance closely with a girl that is not a friend or acquaintance
(The others in the game will have to give you the points, but they shouldn't be too stringent with them)

20 points - Dance closely with a girl that is not a friend or acquaintance and do it at a part of the club/bar that is not the dance floor
(I hate these people 'cause they get in my way, but give the guy respect if he can get the girl to be comfortable enough to not care about getting in my way....)

30 points - Slowdance with a girl that is not a friend or acquaintance on the dance floor
(Go back to prom! It always cracks me up when I see this....)

40 points - Slowdance with a girl that is not a friend or acquaintance and do it at a part of the club/bar that is not the dance floor
(This is just so ridiculous and it usually warrants some pointing and laughing, so it's worth the points even without any kissing)

20 points - Getting a girl's number
(I've always thought that this was've only done a quarter of the work if you decide to cut it short at just getting someone's number....)

40 points - Getting a girl's number and making plans to go on a date
(It's a perfect task for someone looking to get points, but not looking to find just some random either.....)

50 points - Get a girl to kiss you on the lips
(Don't violate her though.....again, the point is to not go to jail or get the boot)

75 points - Get a girl from a foreign country to kiss you on the lips
(It might not be necessarily more difficult, but the lack of people from outside the country at the bar/club allows for it to be more valuable)

Then there are automatic wins....these include

Getting a kiss from a girl who is from a foreign country and can't speak english or french
(That takes a lot of patience, dedication and perseverance....well done!)

Geting a kiss from a girl with her boyfriend right beside her
(It couldn't be more of a kick in the nads to that guy....)

Getting a kiss from a woman that is more than 20 years your elder
(If you're willing to break the "half your age + 7 rule from time to time, surely, women are allowed to as well.....)

Getting a kiss anywhere from a celebrity
(It can be on the lips, cheek, hand or wherever......she's a freakin' celebrity! LOL)

And unlike the women's version, taking a girl back to your place is an automatic win as well.....

Anyone who accomplishes a total of 200 points or receives an automatic win can claim themselves a winner on the night....I think it's the ultimate game 'cause at times, it can be about competition, but at the end of the day, if everyone can get to the point total or an automatic win, then it's been a good night all around....

All this thought just based on one stupid segment of Dr. Phil, but as Rosalie is finding out, this is how my brain works.... :-)