Some left-field thoughts...

The Brad Booth interview continues to grow in the most downloaded interview on the blog by 7X...somewhere, Dirty is pissed!

I'll get more interviews in the future and I enjoy doing them....Just in a tough spot 'cause I have to book guests for the Scratches as well

At the bar and the band of 3 20 yr. old guys get "encored" by 2 guys in their 50's....pretty sure they didn't dream that when they formed...

Kudos to bar bands though....Pretty sure I would lose my patience real quick if I were performing at the bar and nobody was paying attention

A ton of guys are growing moustaches 4 November....I guess guys have wanted to, but couldn't find a good reason that would convince the lady

If I grew a moustache and let my hair grow for a month, I would look exactly like Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite...but I would be single again

"Expert" tip 4 single women at parties...Tell people you're on a flirtation mission and ask if they'll help you meet someone new...thank MSN

I'm curious to see if that would work for a guy...I'm invited to a party Saturday night, but I'll just assume I would look like a huge loser

A Calgary couple concerned about their children's homework load has signed a formal "no homework" contract with the school...nice work kids!

Kitchen catfight! Martha Stewart says Rachael Ray is not at her level...I would still rather have Rachael cook 4 me...I have a crush on her!

Could this really be happening?!? Kellogg's predicting national Eggo shortage until middle of 2010...You better leggo of my boxes of Eggos!!

Thanks to Sean Crogie from for the Tiger video...I'm a huge Tiger fan, but I even find this pretty ridiculous...calm down