The focus today is on one of the best sports ad campaigns ever done was Reebok's series of vignettes involving Terry Tate: Office Linebacker
The story is that Terry Tate is hired by Felcher and Sons to help clean up the behaviour of employees in the office through football hits...
Fun fact: In 2003, Terry Tate was entered as a candidate in the '03 California recall election, under the name - "Lester Terry Tate Speight"
Went to Raw Talent Night at Yuk Yuk' thing I learned about stand-up....if you're struggling, just reach for the masturbation joke...
I'm still really uncomfortable after seeing one guy freeze over and over again on stage...another example of how stand up is not easy at all
A couple of my buddies have asked if I would ever consider stand-up...NO WAY! I know my limitations and I'll leave that to the professionals