Really didn't wanna get out of bed this morning...gotta look into getting 1 of those sweet setups in which I can do a radio show from home!
Hooray! The feedback from the callers, e-mailers and texters today was just overwhelming....thanks to everyone who participated this morning
With all the crap on the roads last night, I'm assuming a few government workers called in sick with the dreaded 24-hour flu this morning...
Is there some sort of idiot code that I'm unaware of? Like, if the roads are bad, are all idiots required 2 be driving until further notice?
It's pretty bad that I completely forgot what game I put money on last night...knew it was NBA basketball, but just checked now...Go Nuggets
Wonder when the NHL combine is going to hit this kind of coverage here in Canada...Record 628 media members are covering NFL combine in Indy