Been without internet at my apartment for almost a week since my modem crashed's scary how dependent we are on internet access now!
Pet Peeve: Able-bodied people consistently and unnecessarily pressing the button designed for disabled people to open damn lazy!
It's a microcosm into the lives of those if they're willing 2 shortcut opening a door, what else have they short-cutted in life?
At Starbucks and hearing some guy complain about missing a doctor's appt. and his gripe: "I was only 45 mins late...I tried 2 be on-time..."
And suddenly 4 Sens fan, all is right with the world again....solid performance last night from everyone involved...could easily make it 2-2
Predicted on Sportscall this morning that the game would go into OT...just think the loss of Carter will be a big wake-up call for Philly...