For the next couple of days, I'm gonna break the "twitter" format and just write in full verses...I've gotten asked these two questions a lot the last couple of days or so:
1) Are you going to or did you watch the Oscars?
2) Why did you quit Facebook?
So, I figured I would tackle both questions one entry after the other...'cause I have a ton of thoughts on both...
First off, the Oscars thing...well, for one, they're unbelievably long...for anyone that participates in an Oscar pool and has to guess the correct time at which the Oscars will end, the winning answer will typically be after midnight...asking me to watch a 3-4 hour award show is just asking way too much of someone with no attention span...
Why does it have to be so freakin' long? Can't they cut out some of the awards that they give out on-air? For example, would people really be ticked off if the award for Best Sound Editing or Best Costume Design was awarded, but not on-air? Can't see it...
It was rumoured that they would try and shorten the show by getting award winners to shorten their acceptance speeches considerably and do more thanking off-stage for people to see on-line...that doesn't make any sense...people watch because of the speeches!
That would be like having a trade-deadline show, like TSN and Sportsnet had, announcing the trades, but capping how long each analyst had in discussing the ramifications of the trade...
Another reason I don't watch is that I never see any of the movies nominated for these awards...I'm sure they're good, but I just don't have time in my busy schedule to take two hours or more to watch...
For example, the only movies I saw that were nominated for Best Picture this year were Avatar and the Blindside...I couldn't tell you even the storyline of any of the other movies that were nominated or won I really don't care...
By the way, for anyone who saw Avatar (if you haven't, just skip to the next paragraph)...didn't that last fight sequence just drag on forever? That old army dude was indestructible! The helicopter he's flying gets shot down, then he transfers over to the robot soldier suit...that gets busted through...he then gets shot in the chest by a huge bow and he's still trying to fight! Only after the second bow goes through his chest is when he finally dies...Toughest Old Man Ever!
But the final reason I'll get into is one that is only pertinent to this New Year's, I made a resolution that I would watch more movies, whether at the theatre or just renting on DVD...well, fast forward to March 8th and I've only watched a total of four movies, so watching the Oscars would be a reminder that I've failed myself on this resolution...
I don't even know why I thought it was so important to make this resolution...but I'm usually someone that likes to do something he says he's going to do...and that just hasn't been the case...