Oh god...I'm just having a riot laughing to myself about today's show...I'm such a button-pusher sometimes...as long as it was entertaining!
Gonna stick with my original thought...sports should not affect your everyday life...if your favourite team loses, it shouldn't be a problem
You shouldn't lose sleep or have a "bad day" at work because your team lost...you shouldn't take out your frustration on your family/friends
If your team wins, celebrate...but overturning cars or rioting or even fist-fighting with the opposition to prove dominance is a little much
Like I said this morning, I can give people a pass if their team is eliminated from the playoffs that particular night, but then, move on...
Maybe I've become immune to feeling bad about losing because I've become so accustomed to losing with my different teams that I cheer for...
The Buffalo Bills and the Toronto Maple Leafs are inadvertently battling each other to see who can be a worse-run franchise within the area!
But I don't think I'm immune to feeling bad...it's just that I've got many other things going in life that feeling bad is just not an option