I don't usually feel bad for Americans when things don't go their way in sports since they win so often and are often arrogant in victory...
But I don't have enough hatred 2 overlook what was a complete travesty yesterday as the Americans were robbed of an unbelievable comeback...
What the referee from Mali saw is still a mystery to everyone other than himself and that is just frustrating as a North American sports fan
It's also frustrating since the referee can hide and never publicly justify what went through his mind as he made that call against the U.S.
And North American sports fans can't wrap their heads around the fact that the referee doesn't have 2 justify any of their calls to the fans
North American sports fans are accustomed to receiving quick information from referees about the calls they make, then get an instant replay
When a referee throws a flag in football, he alerts the fans about the call, then the fans decide to either cheer/boo and the game re-starts
In hockey, calls are made by the referee and the PA announcer tells viewers what the call was....for baseball, umpires calls are black/white
In the end, the U.S. still have a good chance to get through since all they need 2 do is beat Algeria, but it still doesn't make it right...