Is That My Ex-Wife?

In this technological age of cellphone cameras and instant access to social sites like twitter and facebook, you can't hide, you can't lie and you have to realize that you can be exposed for anything at any time. This woman found out the hard way just how vicious the internet can be if you put yourself in a bad position.

By the Associated Press

A New York City woman who was getting $850 a month in alimony because she was supposedly disabled and unable to work had her payments slashed after her ex-husband spotted online photos of her belly dancing.

Brian McGurk went to court after discovering a blog that showed his 43-year-old ex-wife dancing at a gallery.

In other Internet postings, she wrote about dancing vigorously for several hours every day.

Dorothy McGurk told the court that the dancing was physical therapy for injuries she suffered in a car accident in the mid-1990s.

A county judge didn't buy it — and reduced her payments to $400 per month.

The judge also ordered her to pay her ex-husband's legal fees and 60 percent from the sale of their home.