The Cowboy Look is Back!

Looks like this guy is going to be the only brown cowboy in the audience again tonight at the Crazy Horse...fedora = out, cowboy hat = in...

I'll never hit Texas cowboy status though...each dude at the bar in Dallas and Houston wore a flannel shirt, jeans with 50% wearing spurs...

The Hitler spoofs online need to stop! The first was funny, but video number #1502 with Hitler speaking and "funny" subtitles is played out!

Hayden Panettiere went from blonde to red-head....NOOOOOOO! Wait, she went from being single to seeing a Klitschko brother...double NOOOOOO!

Most chosen password by online users is: 123456 ...if you have this password, you should never complain about being stolen from or hacked...

A Texas mom planned her family meals 4 an entire year to cut costs...subsequently, her kids don't know the meaning of the word "spontaneous"