Actually making the trek out to Scotiabank for the Hawks game tonight...can't believe that this game wouldn't have been a sellout months ago
It's actually a nice change 2 have live Australian Open coverage on around midnight instead of a random episode of SnowTrax or Motoring 2010
Maria Sharapova is getting some flak for her outfit at the Australian Open...I'm assuming most men will watch her play tennis in anything...
I still can't believe that the final prize of the Bachelor is simply landing the "man of your dreams"...there better be some cash exchanged!
Newsroom question: What is the correct term for people from Massachusetts? I googled it and the term "masshole" kept appearing on the screen
Tweet from one of my boys Neil and fellow Bills fan: Chan Freaking Gailey?!?!?? Are you kidding me??? I'm done with the Bills. I QUIT!!!!!!!