I just love the feedback we get from the callers and e-mailers every day on SportsCall and there's been many a show where we had a ton of e-mails that we just couldn't get to...
With the e-mails hitting the 3-digit mark for two hours today, there's just no way that we could get to all of them, but I do read every single one and I wanted to highlight the 5 best we received at sportscall@team1200.com today...now, in no particluar order...
1) From Laine:
If Sens fans can spend as much time and energy complaining about Leafs fans on the radio for three hours, why can't they drown out the sound of booing when the captain touches the puck?
2) From our good friend Man Stretch:
Ciao boys!
I still don't understand why people still cheer for another city's team. When was the last time any of the Leaf players did anything for this community? I'm sure if the Leafs win the cup, they'll have the parade here too. Hey, I cheered for the Leafs and the Habs when my city didn't have a team, but when the Sens arrived, I left the cheering of those teams to those cities. NO EXCUSES KIDS! Go Sens Go!
3) From Bill, President of the Anti Yes/No Faction
Franchise & Showkiller,
Do you think part of the problem of why more Leafs fans come out to cheer on their team is the way you guys portray this rivalry in the media? Steve Warne from TGOR has his Blue Team Elimination Watch and the "Leafs Suck" songs. When the Sens play in TO, it is just another game of 41 home games. Why not do the same thing here? When you pump up the opposition fans and challenge them, you can't be surprised when they come out and dominate the building and boo the captain.
4) From Janet:
It's sad to see many season ticket holders (normally wearing a Sens jersey) wearing a Toronto jersey and cheering for Toronto. My daughter and I were at the game last night and we cheered for Ottawa. But, I'm not interested in yelling my lungs out every time a certain player touches the puck. I like to cheer good plays, hard hits, goals, etc.
5) From Ross:
I was at the game last night and was disgusted by the way Alfie gets treated in his own rink.
TIP TO SENS FANS: When someone is booing your captain, don't stand up and cheer WHOO!! All It does is get drowned out and sound like boos. Instead, stand up in front of that Leaf fan who's booing behind you, obstruct their view and start clapping!
PS: It's pretty hard to boo the Leafs captain when they don't have one...
So, I still get asked a couple of times a day about why I'm not on Facebook anymore...the short answer I give is that I just got bored with it...in actuality, I just got really annoyed with it and decided I had enough of it...but I still love the shocked look on people's faces that I could have done such a thing...here's the story...
I was sitting on my couch on a Sunday night and decided to check my facebook like I had about 4 or 5 times before during the day...but this one time would end up being my last...Something drove me over the edge when looking at the "news feed" from all my friends...
The first thing to come up...
"Mike" has defeated Al Capown3d in an epic battle and has now become an underboss...Do you have what it takes to be a mafioso?
Do I have what it takes? What does it take to be a mafioso? A computer, a solid internet connection and an account with Facebook? Then yes, I guess I have what it takes...must have been a great achievement for Mike to share this with all of his friends...doesn't mean that I care anymore about this... Frustration Factor: 1/10
Second thing...
Ronnie's fish is very sick in his aquarium and is in desperate need of being fed...Do you want to remind him to feed his fish?
Uhh...no...if Ronnie can't take care of his responsibilites for his virtual pet, then why should I do anything about it? Could you imagine what his reaction would be if I were to call him in a panic and tell him to feed his fish... Frustration Factor: 2/10
Third thing...
Allie just finished plowing her farm on Farmville for the day and shared her crops with Adam...Would you like to get in on the sharing?
I hate sharing anything, let alone my make-believe harvest...so no, I don't want to get it on the sharing...what is with these people that have all the time in the world for their virtual farms? I guarantee you that if they were faced with doing actual farm work, they would vomit on the spot... Frustration Factor: 4/10
Fourth thing...
James is now single...
Oh god, here we go again...looks like James had another fight with his girlfriend...but James is one of those people that likes to let people know about his rocky relationship by changing his relationship status every 20 minutes...by the time I log back in, he'll be back in a relationship again...
At least he isn't one of these losers that decides is a good idea to put "It's Complicated" as their relationship status...do the rest of the world a favour and leave it blank!
When a guy has "It's Complicated" as his status, it means one of two things: 1) He's single and he's trying a way to look cooler to the ladies or 2) He's simply using Facebook as his own personal dating site and he belives that "It's Complicated" will allow for him to have that little bit of mystery that girls like in a guy...
When a girl has "It's Complicated" as his status, stay the hell away! I know very little women, but what I do know is that they tend not to put their problems out there for public consumption, particularly about their love life...so if this girl is willing to put it out there, then you know there's a couple of screws loose... Frustration Factor: 6/10
Fifth Thing...
Barry is sleepy
Wow! My life is that much better because of being able to see that insightful status...I would bet everything I have that in typing those nine extra characters beside his name, it probably took 'ol Barry 10 minutes to decide on whether or not that was going to be his status for the time being... Frustration Factor: 8/10
Sixth and Final Thing...
Sam Jones has requested to be your friend...
Sam Jones wants to be my friend? Isn't this the same Sam Jones that thought he was the coolest guy in school and treated everyone else like garbage? Isn't this the same Sam Jones that wouldn't give me the time of day when I tried to start a converstation in the locker room when we played on the same soccer team? And now he wants to be my friend all of a sudden....
I'm all for re-connecting with people from high school, and hell, I still have some friends from high school that I talk to on a regular basis and it's almost been a decade already...but there are also some people from school that I could go my whole life without even hearing about and I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over it... Frustration Factor: 10/10
That was the final straw and I decided right there to de-activate my account...I'm now officially a twitter guy, so feel free to follow me on twitter... @showkiller1200
I think I'm gonna go back to writing in 140 character sentences tomorrow!
For the next couple of days, I'm gonna break the "twitter" format and just write in full verses...I've gotten asked these two questions a lot the last couple of days or so:
1) Are you going to or did you watch the Oscars? 2) Why did you quit Facebook?
So, I figured I would tackle both questions one entry after the other...'cause I have a ton of thoughts on both...
First off, the Oscars thing...well, for one, they're unbelievably long...for anyone that participates in an Oscar pool and has to guess the correct time at which the Oscars will end, the winning answer will typically be after midnight...asking me to watch a 3-4 hour award show is just asking way too much of someone with no attention span...
Why does it have to be so freakin' long? Can't they cut out some of the awards that they give out on-air? For example, would people really be ticked off if the award for Best Sound Editing or Best Costume Design was awarded, but not on-air? Can't see it...
It was rumoured that they would try and shorten the show by getting award winners to shorten their acceptance speeches considerably and do more thanking off-stage for people to see on-line...that doesn't make any sense...people watch because of the speeches!
That would be like having a trade-deadline show, like TSN and Sportsnet had, announcing the trades, but capping how long each analyst had in discussing the ramifications of the trade...
Another reason I don't watch is that I never see any of the movies nominated for these awards...I'm sure they're good, but I just don't have time in my busy schedule to take two hours or more to watch...
For example, the only movies I saw that were nominated for Best Picture this year were Avatar and the Blindside...I couldn't tell you even the storyline of any of the other movies that were nominated or won awards...so I really don't care...
By the way, for anyone who saw Avatar (if you haven't, just skip to the next paragraph)...didn't that last fight sequence just drag on forever? That old army dude was indestructible! The helicopter he's flying gets shot down, then he transfers over to the robot soldier suit...that gets busted through...he then gets shot in the chest by a huge bow and he's still trying to fight! Only after the second bow goes through his chest is when he finally dies...Toughest Old Man Ever!
But the final reason I'll get into is one that is only pertinent to this year...at New Year's, I made a resolution that I would watch more movies, whether at the theatre or just renting on DVD...well, fast forward to March 8th and I've only watched a total of four movies, so watching the Oscars would be a reminder that I've failed myself on this resolution...
I don't even know why I thought it was so important to make this resolution...but I'm usually someone that likes to do something he says he's going to do...and that just hasn't been the case...
Was responding to e-mails into the show when I caught myself and thought, it's way too sunny and nice to be debating with someone via e-mail
All the windows and outside views in our building of the bright sun make it that little more frustrating when you're just trying to leave...
A downfall to warmer weather coming is the awful smell of horse around Rideau St...just when you thought Rideau St. couldn't get any dirtier
Big day in the NFL with free-agency starting...and the added twist 4 this year of an uncapped season...some big contracts being signed today
Yikes! Pascal pulled after only 7 mins...another "listless" performance from the Sens all around...things can change in such a short time...
36 hours later and I'm still trying to figure out why dana white would sign James Toney...he's 44 years old and his belt-line is pushing 50!
Makes Strikeforce's debut of 45-year-old NFL'er Herschel Walker look legitimate...I see it now! Toney v. Slice in a 1 round co-main feature!
P.S. We always talk about Man Stretch and his different pictures that he photoshops and sends to us...I just had to post this one since I think I look like a younger and browner version of Larry King...have a great weekend!