Need Another Way to Kill Time?

Think of it as Cops meets Sheriff Joe Arpaio from Maricopa County wants you to vote in his version of "Prison Idol". Just a quick thought: Am I the only one who thinks that the first paragraph of this story should be investigated a little more?

By the Associated Press

The Arizona sheriff known for dressing inmates in pink underwear and feeding them green baloney is inviting people to choose the most popular jail booking photos posted on his website.

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio (ar-PY'-oh) allows online users to browse through the photos and then vote on their favorites that will be highlighted on a "Mugshot of the Day" section.

The top picks so far aren't unexpected: They're the most disheveled, unusual looking people among those booked into the downtown Phoenix jail.

Arpaio says he hopes the increased Web traffic will highlight the work of his employees.

He also says more crimes may be uncovered if the public can view the photos.

The website is