I never made it to Idaho or other smaller states on my baseball trip two summers ago, so my subject choice may not be correct, but I wonder how many of you just shrugged your shoulders and said the same thing after reading this story. Just another day at the music store in potato country.
By the Associated Press
Stop me if you've heard this one: A goat walks into a music store.
It sounds like the start of a bad joke, but that's exactly what happened at the Piano Gallery in the southeastern Idaho town of Ammon.
KIFI-TV reports the goat followed a woman and her child into the store on Monday. Maybe it was looking for some sheeeet music.
Clerk Lorri Bridges says the goat was just adorable. The staff corralled it in a bathroom until animal control arrived.
The goat, dubbed Beethoven for its apparent love of music, is being held at the Idaho Falls Animal Shelter.
If it isn't claimed, someone is ready to adopt it.